Jones Family Web Site

1884 Confirmation Certificate for Laura Hoyard first wife of Jonas Bestul - Certificate

1898 Baptismal Cerfiicate for Luther Bestul

1900 Baptismal Certificate for Agnes S. Bestul

Luther Bestul -  World War I

     Transport Documents - Ships Panaman and Lutetia

     Items brought back from France

     Luther's WWI Paperwork

Marriage certificate for Luther Bestul and Magda (Borgen) Engebretson

1922 Baptismal Certificate for Laura Bestul, service done by Grandfather Rev. Jonas Bestul

1922 Babybook of Laura Bestul daughter of Luther and Magda

School certificates and diplomas for Laura Bestul; Grade School, Ferndale H.S. and W.W.C. of Education

Bestul-Borgan Family Documents