Jones Family Web Site

This handwritten letter to Mararett (Britton) Farr from her father Joseph Britton Sr is a listing of her family history from 1666 to 1822.  Title is "Cattelogue of Names and Ages for Margarett Farr of Springfield Ohio, October 20, 1822.  

       Britton Genealogy 1822  

Letters from Joseph Britton:

     1824 to his Son William Britton and Daugher (Mary (Britton) Jones in Ohio

     1833 to Samuel Jones (husband of his daughter) in Ohio

Joseph is a Revolutionary War Veteran, the pension papers are below. His pension papers say he was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Maryland. (no dates) He moved to Washington County Tennessee in 1786 and then to Hawkins County Tennessee about 1814.

Revolutionary War: Joseph Britton (MD) Ensign 4th MD 1Jan 1777; taken prisoner at Phillips Heights 6 Sept 1778 - 2nd Lt. of Gist's Continental Reg. 27 Apr 1779; returned 1 Jan 1781 was attached, was at that time commanded by Gen Smallwood; commission entitled this Deponent to take Rank from the 23 Apr 1779.

     Lt. Joseph Britton Pension Papers

Joseph Brittion Abstract - File

Britton-Jones Family Documents