Jones Family Web Site

Brief History:

The Jaques and Jones Families are linked through the marriage of William Hawks Jaques to Rachel (Raye) Jones in 1911. Raye is the daughter of GWI Jones.  William and Raye will settle in Vancouver BC, as William is Canadian, and will have one daughter Audrey.  Raye will die in the influenza epidemic of 1919 and the family will eventually lose contact with William.  Rita (Jones) Walker will stay in contact with Audrey over the years. Audrey will marry Jack Woodley and have two sons Michael, who resides in Victoria, BC and David who resides in Vancouver, BC.

Additional Jaques/Woodley Family Resourses:

Additional Jaques/Woodley Pictures

Jaques/Woodley Documents

Raye (Jones) Jaques and Bess (Yeo) Jones

Willam and Raye Jaques and friends, British Columbia

1910 Willam and Raye Jaques and friends

Jaques (Woodley)-Jones Family Page