Christian Peter and Sedsel (Stenerson) Dahl
Dahl Christian Peter and Family.
Back: Ingvald, Alfred and Palma
Front: Christian Peter, Clara and Sedsel
Christian Peter Dahl Home
(L-R) farm Laborer, Alfred, Ingvald, Palma, Christian P., Sedsel, Clara, neighbor girl
Moe, Ole and Tina and Family:
Standing: Alfred Oksness, Clara & Marie Moe, Olgar Moe, Jørgen Oksness, Maren & Carl Oksness
Middle: Lewis Oksness, Ole & Tina Moe, Louise Oksness with Clara, Syvert Oksness Front: Auther Moe, Ella & Tena Oksness
Marie (Moe) Dahl
Marie (Moe) Dahl and Harold Dahl
Harold Dahl
Harold, Clarence and Everett Dahl
Dahl Brothers: Harold, Everett and Clarence
Crary Cemetery, North Dakota: Father of Christian Peter Dahl
Crary Cemetery, North Dakota: Mother of Christian Peter Dahl
1951 Construction of the Dahl home on Fremont Ave, Shoreline WA
Alfred and Marie (Moe) Dahl with their Grandchildren
Dahl Farm - Crary North Dakota
Dahl Farm - Crary North Dakota