This link will take you to a separate page with links to the letters written by Christian Peder Dahl to family in the United States and Norway between 1876 to 1930 - Christian Peter Dahl Letters
Documents of Christian Peter Dahl 1875, in Norwegian.
North Dakota Land Deed Christian Peter Dahl 1894
Newspaper articles, Christian and Sedsel 60th Anniversary Announcement and Christian P. Dahl Obituary.
1934 Harold Dahl letter to Uncle Arther Moe in Sumas Washington, Letter
1937 Harold Dahl Crary High School Yearbook (Large File)
1937 Harold Dahl Commencement Memories Book
In 1939 Harold Dahl hitchhiked from Crary North Dakota to Everett WA. He kept a detailed record of this trip, including costs, as he made this trip on $3.92. Here is his journal, map and ledger.
Dahl-Moe Family Documents